嘿!扎克来啦! Whoops, there goes Zack.
又是一个匆忙的上午。他忘记关电灯电器了。 It’s one of those rushed mornings. And he’s left some of his appliances and lights on.
现在,只要想想浪费掉的电、或者可能出现问题的安防系统,Zack的心情就不能平静了。这都是因为一个小小的疏忽! Now Zack’s peaceful day will be disrupted when thinking about the electricity that is being wasted, or maybe the security that is being compromised, because of a simple mistake.
HDL可以帮您解决这个烦恼。 HDL CAN help you relieve this stress.
HDL提供智能、可扩展、经济实惠的有线与无线解决方案,帮您实现对家居的全方位控制。这包括灯光、空调、窗帘、安防以及更多设备和功能。 HDL provides you with complete control of your home, with smart, expandable and affordable wired and wireless solutions. These include lights, air-conditioning, curtains, security, and much more.
我们会帮您悉心看管家里的方方面面,为您打造安全可靠的居家环境。 We’ll take care of every aspect of your home, providing you with an ensured and secure home environment.
我们的智能系统能够不间断地相互通信、不断升级以寻找全新的方式连接您的家。 Our smart systems constantly communicate with each other and evolve to find new ways to connect with your home.
改用HDL的系统十分简单,一点儿都不麻烦。安装我们的设备,你不必是内行人。几步简单操作,系统升级就可完成! Switching over to HDL is easy and hassle free. You don’t have to be an expert to install our devices. In a few easy steps, your upgrades are complete!
安装HDL系统后,一系列美观大方的HDL墙装智能开关可以与内置的智能恒温器组合使用,让优雅的气息散布于家的每个角落。 With HDL, a large selection of their eye-catching intelligent wall switches can be combined with built-in intelligent thermostats, providing elegance to every corner of your home.
既然您已经安装您所选择的系统,不妨体验一下无缝远程控制。 Now that you’ve installed the solutions of your choice, experience seamless remote controlling.
忘记关闭电器设备也没关系,我们来帮您解决。因为现在无论您在世界上的哪个角落都可以做到。 We make it okay to forget to turn the switches off, because now you can do it from anywhere in the world.
无论是家用电器、娱乐系统、灯具,还是家里任何一件物品,现在你都可以进行远程控制。 Any appliance you own, entertainment systems, lighting, or anything under your roof, is now at your command with a remote.
通过HDL能源监测系统,我们还可以帮您监控家里情况、节省开支并且让生活更加低碳。 With an HDL energy metering system, we can also help you monitor your home, save money and go green.